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Southern Princess: Trusting Who You Know with What You Don’t Know

Writer's picture: Eloise StewartEloise Stewart

Southern Princess Travel Co.


Cassie and Lindsay, co-owners of Southern Princess Travel Company and Southern Princess Collection have kept us in tears for the last couple of months. These hilarious moms have embarked on creating two businesses that serve moms and families. Not only with their travel services and new apparel line, but also with their hilarious real-life stories, encouragement, and punny remarks.

They came to us with one brand created and a second started. Realizing if they were going to successfully launch the new apparel line, they needed to call in a team. They came to us and we assessed what they had and what they needed.

We recommended that we rebrand the travel business while branding the collection (apparel line)

so that the brands could coordinate and support each other. And they trusted us to guide them

through the process.

Southern Princess Travel Co. Updated logo


I believe one of the major contributing factors to why this project has been so successful for Southern Princess and so enjoyable for our team is that Lindsay and Cassie fully trusted us through the process but they also came into the project with open minds to change what needed to change and had a willingness to make decisions quickly, do their homework, and ask questions.

Because of this, we were able to accomplish A LOT for their two brands in a couple of months so that they could launch their new collection brand in December.

Southern Princess Travel Co. Branding Boards

Once we had finalized the branding for both brands in terms of design (seen above) and the brand messaging, we moved into the photoshoot, website development and many implementation items (seen below). As you can see this is a fun, feminine, and punny brand with a lot of personality and color!

Southern Princess Travel Co.
Southern Princess Collection

Many of the items listed below in their implementation were decided in their strategy session that I had with them. There are many ways you can share your brand but we decided on the most important items as they launch their brands now.

  • Brand Photography for both brands

  • Business card design and printing with

  • Email signatures

  • Brochure to show the two businesses and their offerings

  • Thank you postcards for travel clients

  • Luggage Tag Thank You Gifts for travel clients

  • Packaging (stickers, tissue, boxes, bags) for collection

  • T Shirt designs for the team and to sell

  • Creating and updating their social media profiles for both brands

  • Social Media Graphics for Instagram and Facebook

  • Flodesk set-up and email templates for both brands

  • Holiday Market Booth Concept and Designs

  • A Travel Website

  • An e-commerce website for the Collection

  • Strategy Session to plan their launch and marketing strategy

  • Finding a Marketing Freelancer to implement their strategy and launch

Brand Photography

LESSON: Trusting Who You Know with What You Don’t Know

#1: You Don’t Have To Do It All

When you start a small business, there are times that you roll up your sleeves and DIY. But then there comes a point when you need to ask for help. You need to ask for help NOT because you can’t do it or figure it out. You do it to save you the 3 most important parts of your business and brand - time, money and sanity.

Cassie and Lindsay are successful professionals but their skills, interest, or experience isn’t in graphic design or marketing. The reason they have been successful in other businesses and in their careers is because they know their strengths and then ask for help when they don’t know.

Asking for help can cost some people their pride and will usually cost you some money in business. But I promise you the money invested in someone doing it quicker and better than you could, is worth it!

#2: When You Decide To Trust, Fully Trust

All entrepreneurs, but especially women struggle to let go once they have asked for help. I believe one reason for this is because of fear. We are vulnerable when we build a brand. It's something important to us. It's a reflection of ourselves. And so we will hold tightly to things we need to let go of and trust. We have so many decisions and feel out of control when starting a business and growing a brand. And so we will try and control by way of not trusting.

So when you have to ask for help, communicate expectations, ask questions - but fully trust those you have asked to help you. I promise you it creates something better than you could have imagined. Just ask Southern Princess!


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Eloise Design Co Pinterest

If you need help developing your brand, see our services page

and fill out our Services Form!

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