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Writer's picture: Eloise StewartEloise Stewart

T H E W O R K I N G W A R D R O B E​​

Because Professional Dress Isn’t A Uniform

I struggled to compile the right words to adequately announce this NEW and amazing series for

.eloise. design co. I have so many feelings connected to this new endeavor.

There are also so many unknowns because this series will start small and grow with the addition of genuine collaborations and YOUR support.

Before you put THE WORKING WARDROBE in a fashion blog “box”, I want to share my background,

my reasons for creating this series, and how you can

be involved.

As you can see in the picture above, Kate and I are different people with different styles. But we are owning what you have and encouraging others to do the same.


How is my past the foundation for


In college, my major was Apparel Design and Production Management. While exercising my creativity, I realized my heart for helping individuals gain confidence and see that their bodies and style should dictate their clothing choices. So many women would see their bodies as inadequate because the fashion options they found didn’t fit them. Or they would compare themselves to others.

I went on to study clothing fit and body shapes of tweens, women, and men in my graduate degree.

I loved understanding why we do and don’t purchase something. What influences us, speaks to us, and makes us come back for more.

This understanding and fascination with consumer behavior allows me to help individuals and small businesses discover and communicate their brand to their target audience.

SO whether it is creating and selling fashion OR branding and career consulting,

my mission is help YOU discover you and express who you are! And I think we can all agree that fashion is one (important) way we express who we are, what we do, and how we want to be perceived.


Why are we creating


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Because your brand is more than words, online profiles, or what you say.

It is your appearance, your look, your style.

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Because we want to share affordable styling suggestions so women

can find clothing that fits their life, bodies, budget, and careers.

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Because we want to create a styling platform where women help women.

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Because we want to encourage women to see that clothing and fashion

need to fit their bodies and their style … not the other way around.

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Because getting dressed in the mornings for work

is hard whether you are a size 2 or 22.


How would you like to contribute to


Unlike other fashion bloggers or sites, we are not going to be

the only ones sharing and creating relatable content. We want other perspectives, styles, and suggestions from women who understand price, style, body shape, and the challenges of getting dressed in the mornings! The Working Wardrobe will encourage discussion and conversations.


If you are one of those women, email Eloise at so we can collaborate.

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If you want to make sure you don’t miss our monthly blog posts, subscribe HERE.


If you don’t want to miss our encouragement and brand/product recommendations,

follow @eloisedesignco on Instagram and Facebook. If you miss our IG stories, you will be able to view them all in our highlights!

We want you to COMMENT, LIKE, MESSAGE, and SHARE

on social media so we can create a conversation about



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