Just like life, careers can be really hard! There is so much unknown. So many options. So many ‘right’ answers. And let’s not forget A LOT of hard work.
But again … like life, our careers can be incredibly fulfilling.
If you can relate to this, you are probably asking the question “HOW?”
How can we find the right job, career, profession, etc.? How can I stay motivated and challenged? How do I find this thing called ‘fulfillment’?
I believe as in life, we find that career fulfillment through learning, through people, and through serving. As I launch my new online Personal Branding for Professionals course with Auburn University, I am reminded that professionals of any age, background, industry, or status struggle and yearn for fulfillment.
Just as I encourage my career and branding clients, I am encouraging you to consider doing more or something thing different. Remember, if what you are doing isn’t working, you may need to try a different approach.
I have broken this blog post into 3 sections:
I hope just one encourages, challenges, or inspires you.
Education Resources
Auburn University, like other institutions, offers many resources to alums (and professionals) who need and/or want to continue their educational journey. Whether you’re looking for continuing education credits, test prep, or a certification, Auburn’s Office of Professional & Continuing Education is ready to teach those from 3 years of age to 80+!
I am HONORED to be able to offer one of my courses through this office at Auburn University. We have collaborated to create a course that helps professionals, from college to retirement, find fulfillment and career focus as they discover their strengths and skills, create documents for job searches and promotions, and utilize the digital and social world correctly.
This course is a 4-week self-paced online course. The 5 lectures are pre-recorded so you are able to watch at your convenience. Each module includes a workbook so you are able to take action. This is not a feel good inspirational course (though I do encourage you the entire time!) – it is an actionable and productive course. I will personally review all of your homework and provide you feedback.
Registration is now open for the September session.
October, November, and December registration coming soon.
If you are interested in learning more or want to share with someone else, use this link:
Other Courses to Explore from The Office of Professional & Continuing Education:
K-12 Continuing Education Credits (CE)
Test Prep Classes
Leadership Series
Military Spouse Advancement Classes
Accounting, Real Estate, Legal Courses
Certificate Programs
Youth Programs
Summer Reading Programs
#2 Online Learning for Graphic Design, Web, Music & Photography (by
Just last week, I had a friend ask how she could gain quality graphic design education without going back to college. My answer was websites like
The beauty of this digital and technological world is that we can learn whenever we want! We just have to put forth the time and effort. If you have the interest but lack the skill, try 1 course online. The monetary and time investment is low, but the reward could be life changing! has over 5,700 online courses in the following areas:

3D and Animation
Audio and Music and Video
Graphic, Fashion, and Web Design
Networking Recourses

We were made as social, relational beings. I believe life feels imbalanced (and lonely) when we aren’t actively connecting with others. And thus we feel unfulfilled. We are too much in our own heads, trying to do it on our own. Don’t do your career alone.
#1: For Everyone: AlumNetwork
In 2015, I founded AlumNetwork after teaching at Auburn University and realizing I needed a network to connect students, professionals, and industry. Our careers should be relational. We should be connecting and networking 24/7. Not when we need something like a job. That is called asking for a favor.
You are welcome to join AlumNetwork FOR FREE if you are a college student or a professional desiring to connect and give back. LEARN MORE AND JOIN HERE

AlumNetwork isn’t like LinkedIn (though I think is an amazing resource) or a university alumni association. It is for any college student and any professional who wants to connect, engage, and learn. Here is how you can benefit:
The Private Facebook Group: a place where students and professionals can go when they are looking for or know of a job or internship.
Career Help Email: professionals and students can email when they have an opportunity to share or when they have a question.
Mentoring Program: THE MENTOR PROGRAM has been designed to further connect and grow professionals and students through a focused 20 week program that assists both the mentor and mentee to communicate better and network better.
#2: For Auburn University Alums: Auburn’s Alumni Association
(use this to inspire you to research what is available from your alma mater!)

I think one of the coolest parts of being an alum of a school is the instant connection you have with a complete stranger. I have yelled “War Eagle!” to fans and alums on the subway in NYC, in China, and in random cities across the USA. I encourage you to re-educate yourself on the ways you can connect with others through the place that started your career.
Did you know Auburn’s Alumni Association has chapters that meet all over the country? They have incredible speakers come to chapter meetings and provide a time for you to network with other grads in your area. Go see how you can get plugged in, use their new networking app, and network in your city.
Social Service Resources

You may hate the word “networking” and what it makes you do. You may hate small talk and forced conversation. Me too!
But I realized … it is only small talk and forced if you focus on yourself and not focus on serving. If you are focused on serving, you will ask them questions, remember what they said, and then have something to talk about the next time.
I encourage you to research what organizations exist in your town or city. Challenge yourself to join 1 and go to 1 event per month. I went with a friend my first few times!
I joined my local Chamber of Commerce as a business owner, the Auburn Young Professionals Group, and serve on an Advisory Board for a department on Auburn’s Campus. All three pushed me outside of my comfort zone. All three made me attend events with un-familiar faces. Every time that I told my husband that I didn’t want to go or I had too much to do to go, I would meet a new person, connect with a new friend, or obtain a new client.
And each time I went, it got easier because I was creating relationships, NOT SMALL TALK.
These organizations allow me to serve and engage, which can be therapeutic. I promise serving and engaging will never leave me empty. They will fill you with encouragement, perspective, opportunities and friends.
Fulfillment won’t come to you. So stop waiting for it to.
If my services can ever benefit you or someone you know, please share this blog, my social media, or my website with them. Be that resource for someone else!