Sometimes in business (and life), it's good we don’t know everything we get ourselves into,
or else we wouldn’t start.
Although I can’t predict the future for all areas of your business, I can shed some light on the investment and value of rebranding. I am dedicating a full blog post to this because we have potential clients who come to us and don’t realize the true cost of rebranding.
What clients are prepared for:
The cost of paying us for the redesign process, designs, and files.
What clients don’t fully calculate:
Implementation costs
Time cost
Decision / Sanity cost
As with anything in life or business, we can handle costs, time, and decisions that we want, need, or understand. But when they sneak up on us and we aren’t prepared - that is when they create stress or make the process arduous.
So, my goal is to make you aware and prepared for the 4 different costs so you can
ENJOY your rebranding process.

There will be a cost for hiring a brand designer to rebrand your business.
This cost depends on the age, size, and complexity of your business, the number of
decision-makers, and the items needed to be redesigned.
Whether you hired someone to design your brand initially or did it yourself to get the business started quickly, when you re-band you need to hire a new brand designer. Many people will hire a graphic designer or website designer they know and trust. However, they really need to hire a brand designer who specializes in developing brands. You wouldn’t hire a pediatrician if you were an adult and needed surgery on your hip. Hire the right professional for the need.
If you read through the rest of this blog post to know all the costs and wonder if you are ready to re-brand,
see our services, examples of our work, and fill out our Services Form. The can schedule a consult call to decide.

Once the brand is designed with logos, colors, fonts, graphics, style guidelines, and brand messaging … it is time to implement the brand. You can have your brand designer design many of the implementation items. This will impact the project scope and cost. In addition to the design, you also have the printing costs, hosting fees, subscriptions, signage, and manufacturing costs of those implementation items.
You might be asking - “What are implementation items?”
They are any print or digital designs that have your logo or branding on them. Business cards, email signatures, website, brochures, signage, apparel, etc.
You can bring this list to your brand designer
and discuss what they can help with and how much they will cost.

Although you are hiring a brand designer or company to re-design the brand, they are not the only ones working during the re-brand. You will need to be involved in the process. This means you will be in meetings, answer calls if needed, review drafts, provide feedback, and work through revisions. We have found that clients don’t realize the time it will require of them. If they are in a busy season and distracted, they might not get the best result or they might miss something.

Lastly, during a re-brand process, you will be making A LOT of decisions. Decisions about the logo, the colors, the fonts, the style, and the messaging. But you will also make decisions on each implementation item. For example, you will need to decide on the business card design and the content on the business card. Then you will decide how many to order and from which print company.
Besides multiple decisions on individual items, you will make decisions about what you
want to splurge on, cut back on, or wait on.
I don’t share this to stress you or deter you from re-branding. Instead, I want you to make sure you have the bandwidth and time to make good decisions. So pick a season that you have time for the re-brand. Treat this like your own project equivalent to a client project.
Remember, we want you to ENJOY this process. If you work with us,
we will guide you through the process and all of the decisions.
Now that you know the investment, you also need to know what you gain. If you go through this process, I promise the consistency and quality of your image will make a difference on your brand awareness, sales, partnerships, and bottom line.
These aren’t empty promises. This is spoken by someone who has seen it with each rebrand client.
The people who never heard of you, find you.
The people who are aware of you, will take notice.
The people who know you, will remember you.
The people who trust you, will share and refer you to others.
We call a rebrand an investment for a reason - you are investing in something that will grow, change, and produce a return. But it does cost you money, time, and energy.
If you are considering a rebrand this year, reach out to us using our Services Form
and we can schedule a 15-minute consult call to decide if you are ready for a rebrand.
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